Importance of Tutoring For Traders

When it comes to trading and building wealth, a trading coach is a powerful resource who can help a trader/investor standout by taking informed decisions to achieve what is really important from a Capital Market trader's point of view. A trading coach can guide you in:

  1. It's a coach's profession to help a trader determine what is important and guide in staying focused on that and get the trader aware about the goals.
  2. A coach will keep the trader on track and moving forward towards new levels of achievements. The psyche is simple, for many of us having someone to be answerable to motivates us as we become accountable.
  3. Coach's focus on a trader's development by helping in fixing the weaknesses and focus on the strengths. This aids the trader to invest time and energies into fruitful opportunities.
  4. A coach will aid a trader in getting from point A to point B much faster than a trader could do on his own, thus support in differentiating a trader from the pack and advance the learning process at a much quicker pace.
  5. A coach's job is to model a trader's skill on powerful questioning techniques, which will make them very good listeners. Just remember the markets are always communicating. It is how you respond will determine your level of success. A coach will help you in acquiring the necessary listening skills necessary and their responses.
  6. 95 % of the market participants lose money. It's a coach's job to ensure an apprentice trader gains all the necessary skills and abilities to get a permanent residence in the 5 % that are successful.

Coaching is one of those things that a lot of people aren't sure about. Although most of the world's most successful people, from athletes to business people have had coaches to accelerate their success.

A coach will help you identify and align your knowledge, trading skills, create focus, cut through the clutter, develop a trading mind set and increase your trading potential which can be measured. Simply put a trading coach will aid you in stoking the flames of success.

Make an investment by hiring a trading coach. It will pay off in clarity and increased success. Think of getting coached as an investment and not an expense. Bottom line is to ask yourself how much is worth to you… having a coach. Induce yourself to work with a trading coach and take your trading skills to another level.

This article is authored by Mr. Ranjit Eknath Vichare of who has over 36 years of experience in Stock Markets, Forex Markets and the Commodity Markets…both as a trader and a trading coach and mentor. He brings together diverse skills sets, which include Technical Analysis, Market Research, Mind Programming, Market Strategy, Trade Planning, Product and Service Structuring, Applied Capital Market Education. He also manages private funds and is an active trader. Ranjit's area of expertise cuts across various trading instruments based upon Point & Figure Charting, Bar Charts and Patterns, Candlesticks Charting, Momentum Trading, Swing Trading, Price action Trading, Price and Time Cycle Analysis, Volume Analysis, Elliott Wave analysis, Gann Analysis, Probability Analysis, Intraday Trading, Positional Trading, Futures and options Trading and more.

Ranjit's excellent coaching ability and his interactive methods, ensure practical concepts for successful trading in the Capital Markets.

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