Terms of Use

  • At Prime Analytics our teachings and lectures are based on the company's trust principles which stipulate that honesty, integrity, independence and freedom from bias to knowledge, has to be upheld at all times. Prime Analytics has stringent policies in place to ensure adherence to these principles. We are committed to accurate and applied teaching of “Technical Analysis” of the securities markets.
  • Prime Analytics allows you the access to information, services, notes and other material through its website “primeanalytics.in”. On accessing the website you agree to be bound by “Prime Analytics Terms” (“Terms of Use”, “Privacy Policy” and the “Disclaimer”). You will be registered for the course once you agree to the Terms. Prime Analytics acceptance of you, is dependent on your assent of all the Terms. The website “primeanalytics.in” is accessible to all but the certain contents are made available to registered users only. If the terms laid down are flouted at any time, Prime Analytic reserves the right to revoke the registration.
  • If for any reason you do not agree with our terms of use, then do not access the website “primeanalytics.in”. Any use of the website will construe that the terms of use have been accepted.
  • Prime Analytics is an education service platform. It is not a school or a university. All its educational courses lead to a completion certificate referred to as “Verified Certificate of Accomplishment”. The course is not recognized or accredited to any educational institution, college, university. You agree and acknowledge that “Prime Analytics” will not be obligated to get the course recognized by any educational institution.
  • You agree that the Online Contents, Trading lessons, Videos, E Books and Articles are the prime property of Prime Analytics. You agree not to copy, sell, display, publish, transfer, distribute and commercially exploit the contents of the website “primeanalytics.in”.
  • Prime Analytics reserve the right to modify, reschedule or discontinue any of its offered educational programmes without any notice. Prime Analytics is neither obligated nor liable to any one for discontinuance of its programmes. You agree to indemnify Prime Analytics and its associates from any and all claims, liabilities, losses and damages accrued on account of your actions.
  • At the time of registration of a course, payment in full is expected. It is the sole responsibility of the participant to check for accuracy, suitability and relevance of the selected course. No refund will be made once the payment has been made for the selected course. Also the enrolment is non-transferable.