7 Steps to Success:
“Capital Market” education has qualitative and quantitative methods. Majority of information available is quantitative in nature. Quantitative information can be replicated by many in various forms. However success in trading comes through the qualitative methods of learning. Qualitative learning is the process of trading in “Capital Markets”, of which quantitative learning is a small part.
The truth remains that very few traders are consistent with making profits over a long period of time. Successful trading needs learning, understanding, embracing and implementing the qualitative methods. Ignoring this will guarantee you an unsuccessful period in your trading endeavour’s over the long term.
If you are patient, have an open mind and are willing to work, the coaching techniques tutored at “Prime Analytics” will transform your trading. It is up to you and you alone to take responsibility for your trading actions. On completion of the “Rule Based Technical Analysis Course”, you can be rest assured that your informed actions will transform your trading account in a positive way.
The seven steps, on which your success depends, is an easy to implement routine. This routine can revolutionize your trading in an unimaginable way. The seven steps to success will create and sustain an effective trading system for you, which over a period of time will become a good habit. Effectively making you a profitable trader.
- Reprogramming the subconscious mind:
The subconscious is the engine that powers your mind. Reprogramming your subconscious mind is necessary because the subconscious mind controls 95 % of your activity. By reprogramming your subconscious mind, you develop a new vision, strong desire, unflappable self-belief, clear intentions, absolute detachment, acceptance, mental toughness, focus, patience, and aligned action taking abilities on a subconscious level. Anything done on a subconscious level becomes a habit in time to come. Reprogramming the subconscious mind, not only adds reliability to your trading capabilities but also adds immense value to your life in general.
- Creating a mind-set for trading and investment:
A trading mind-set is a habit which is created by a series of continuous auto suggestions. An experienced trading mind-set will ensure that you become a mechanical trader. Who is void of emotions involved in trading. Who accepts taking a loss. Who has the mental toughness to deal with dynamic “Capital Market” situations. Who takes action without any hesitation and has a professional approach.
- Knowledge:
Knowledge here means “Technical Analysis” knowhow about the technical tools and techniques of trade applied to “Capital Markets”. For example – Price Swings, Price Action, Volume Action, Fractal Projections Analysis, Gann Analysis, Fibonacci Analysis, Elliott Wave Analysis etc.
- Creating a Trading Plan:
Understand that trading is not gambling but a business where taking informed decisions is the norm. A trader, who ventures into the “Capital Markets” without a well-conceived, detailed and thorough trading plan is heading for a financial disaster. A plan is a road map, which helps a trader identify any situation where he may have made a wrong decision and gives ample time and opportunity to correct that wrong decision before it spirals out of control. For your unprecedented trading success, it is mandatory that you “Plan Your Trade and Trade Your Plan”.
- Creating a trading strategy to suit your personality:
A trading Strategy simply put is systematic trading setup well-matched with one’s personality. Trading Strategy means a set of rules one has to strictly follow in the Capital Markets, before taking any trade. Rules that define the current trend, entering or exiting a position, managing risk, time scale etc. are a few of the many factors which go into making of a trading strategy. A successful trading strategy will ensure you of a sustained profitability over the longer time period.
- Journal Maintenance:
Journal keeping is keeping a written record of all the trading activities undertaken. Maintaining a journal, tracks your tabulated experience in the “Capital Markets”. This helps you process trading information, which evaluates the good and the bad of your taken trades. Keeping a trading journal will help you analyse your trades, trading systems, trading plans, trading strategies or whichever aspect of trades need working on and will underline the profitable strategies for you to use. Thus allowing traders to make lesser number of trading mistakes and always add to the bottom line.
- Skill Development:
- Developing a trader’s mind-set to enhance trading skills.
- Developing profitable trading techniques.
- Developing high probability trade setups for sustained profitability.
- Acquire skills of putting near perfect Stop Loss on your trades.
- Develop confidence, commitment, control, discipline, self-belief, focus, patience, and mental toughness.
- Know in depth about trade sizing, compounding and capital management.
- Develop action taking abilities and a thorough professional approach.